MLM Isn't A Pyramid, What Precisely Is Pyramid Selling?
MLM Software Company : Pyramid selling is basically based and built on fraudulent and insubstantial cases of higher returns in more limited timeframes. It could conceivably include physical products or services but emphasizes recruiting more people. It is known as a pyramid because only the people at the top of it earn high income at the cost of those below them. How does a Pyramid Scheme Work? An individual or an association starts a fraudulent business model through the recruitments of investors with promises of high returns. First, few investors get high returns which don't come as an ROI but from installments made by other new recruits. The pyramid administrator never makes any investment; it's really a "take from one to give to another" story. When compensated with high returns they are motivated and bring in new people occasionally. It's a hard but true fact that they can't continue recruiting forever. Once their contacts and resources dry up, it h...